Boost website conversion
rate and get personal
with the video widget
Interact face-to-face with your audience and build stronger business relationships
73% of consumers would most like to watch a short video
to learn about a product or service
source: The State of Video Marketing 2022
1 widget — 4 key outcomes
1. Grab attention
Our widget does not suffer from banner blindness. Share important information with your website visitors and be sure that no important detail escapes their attention
2. Build trust
While most businesses became impersonal, sites are similar, and the benefits are the same — show the human face of your business and build trust. More trust means more sales
3. Boost conversions
The video widget has a strong emotional impact. Call to action, embed buttons that generate leads, drive sales, boost conversion rate and watch your revenue rise!
4. Improve SEO
Visitors spend more time on your website watching videos, which improves the position of the website in search engines and grows organic traffic volume
Fits for a number of purposes
and on any screen
Reviews & Testimonials
Text reviews no longer work. Video testimonials are much more convincing and harder to fake
Lead Generation & Sales
The video widget has a strong emotional impact, combined with buttons, it drives leads and sales
Demos & Onboarding
Showcase your product at scale and onboard your users with video sequences — coming soon
Education & Recruitment
Engage with your students, and introduce job seekers to the human face of your company
Engagement & Feedback
Engage with your audience, ask for feedback, and improve your product and value proposition
Setup call-to-action button
💬 Route users into messaging apps
Generate leads the new way — no text input is needed, combine messengers with chatbots and drive conversions
💳 Add an item to the shopping cart
Great solution for online stores. The product can be added to the cart directly from the video
🎯 Open another page of the website
You simply specify a link in the widget settings if you need to draw attention to a specific page of the site
⚡ Open the web form on the website
You specify a trigger that triggers the opening of your form, popup, or transition to a specific block
Sign up free
and boost your website conversion rate
Customize the widget
Change the color of the button and widget frame to make it look native on your website
The widget can be embedded in every corner of the screen, and also in the content
Size & Shape
Tune the size & shape of the widget to match your preferences and content format
and publish changes instantly with a click of a button
4 steps to embed a widget
on your website
without the help of programmers
Create ChatPoint account
Record the video
Set up the widget
Copy the code and paste it on the website
Easily integrate with any CMS
Sign up free
and boost your website conversion rate
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